If you view only one or two segments, these are the best:
Bill Moyers
The Colbert Report
E.O. Wilson- Of Ants and Men, exploring how human minds and emotions evolved similarly to physical features, originating from the work of E.O. Wilson and his theory of Sociobiology [clip 5] (9/30/15)
Up, with Chris Hayes, talking about denial of science, and polarization (5/4/12)
The Cycle, talking about The Asteroids Club, and about NoLabels.org (1/7/13)
The Cycle, talking about how both campaigns are using moral appeals to swing voters and base voters (9/17/12)
Dylan Ratigan show, talking about ideological diversity (3/13/12)
Morning Joe, talking about The Righteous Mind (3/12/12)
“Is a conservative born or made?” I try to predict how people in Times Square will vote, based on indicators of personality and values (10/11/12)
Fox News, talking about The Righteous Mind (3/26/12)
Additional television interviews
— The Agenda, with Steve Paikin, TVO (Canada), interview about political psychology and Canadian politics (5/29/12).
— Evolution: This View of Life, Interview with David Sloan Wilson, on “who is more phobic about science — conservatives or liberals”
— John Avlon, on BeastTV, on centrism and bringing the left and right together.
— Evolution: This View of Life. Interview on evolutionary moral psychology, with Michael Price. (10/29/13)
— Mother Jones, interview with Chris Mooney: The Science of Tea Party Wrath (10/25/13)
— Washington Post, Stop bickering and look out for the asteroids!, by Emi Kolawole (10/30/12)
— Scientific American, How science explains America’s great moral divide, interview by Gareth Cook (10/2/12)
— Bill Moyers Blog,”Is it better to vote with your heart or your brain? (9/6/12)
— Vice Magazine, The Intuitionist: A Citrusy Conversation with Jonathan Haidt (7/16/12)
— Washington Times Profile by Emily Esfahani Smith (6/26/12)
— Freakonomics Blog, Q&A, includes comments on marketing, and politics in science. (5/15/12)
— The Christian Post , interview about social conservatives, new atheists, and civility. (5/15/12)
— Politifact.com, Q&A with Angie Drobnic Holan, (4/28/12)
— New Scientist: “What Righteousness Really Means.” By Alison George. [Reprinted here in Slate with no paywall and a different title]
Radio Interviews and Audio Podcasts
Search for “Haidt” on iTunes to find a list of podcasts
— Mother Jones, interview with Chris Mooney: The Science of Tea Party Wrath (10/25/13)
— Inspiring Naturalism (Michael Dowd and Connie Barlow), a discussion that focuses especially on religion. Dowd is the author of “Thank God for Evolution”.
— Tapestry (Canadian Broadcasting Company), “I’m right, you’re wrong.” A 30 minute radio interview with Mary Hynes about the book, with extra emphasis on religion. (3/22/13)
— To The Best of Our Knowledge (NPR), 13 minute discussion of wonder. Here’s a link to the whole 53 minute show, which also includes Neil de Grasse Tyson and others.
— RadioWest-KUER (NPR). One-hour conversation about the book, with Doug Fabrizio.
— Q, with Jian Ghomeshi (CBC-Canada, 4/17/12)
— The Leonard Lopate Show, WNYC (4/17/12)
— Here and Now (NPR) with Robin Young: Are you Right or Self-Righteous? (3/29/12)
— Alan Colmes (Fox News), The Psychology of Political Views (3/8/12)
— AmericasDemocrats.org (7/29/12), discussion of politics, and advice for Democrats
— BBC Radio 4 (UK), The Today Programme, “Why does politics divide people?” My best line: “You need your opponents to improve your own thinking.”
— MentorCoach, with Ben Dean (a talk geared to therapists and life coaches, with some positive psych content).
— Forum, with Michael Krasny, KQED (San Francisco) (5/24/12)
— This is Interesting, on KCRW with Matt Miller from the Washington Post (12/4/13), a discussion of the controversy over Obamacare, and of our current political paralysis.
— Chris Mooney interview, at PointOfInquiry.org, focusing on who denies science, and why.
— To The Best of Our Knowledge (Wisconsin NPR) conversation with Steve Paulson (8/24/12) Transcript is here.
Lectures (Videos)
A) Lectures on Evolution, Group Selection and Religion
— The Miller Center (UVA): Civility in American Politics: How to get (some of) it back. This was my first full lecture on civility and the causes of its decline. (3/19/12).
C) Lectures giving an overview of The Righteous Mind
— Bloggingheads.tv, interview with Tamar Gendler (April 2013).
— James Madison Program, Princeton U. Overview of the book, at the conservative center at Princeton (5/8/12).
— American Enterprise Institute , Panel discussion with Steve Hayward, Sally Satel, and Jonathan Rauch (5/11/12).
–*C-Span Book-TV, my standard talk on the book (3/21/12).
— Edge.org conference presentation on “moral science,” where I first presented the “True Taste” metaphor, and an overview of the state of the art in moral psychology.
D) Lectures on Politics (not overviews of the book)
— Museum of Sex: “It’s hard to gross out a libertarian.” Hosted by Reason; interview afterward by John Tierney.
— C-Span: talk on libertarian psychology, as part of a panel discussion on “The Libertarian Roots of the Tea Party.” My talk starts at 17:45, or you can watch just my talk on YouTube. (Oct 16, 2012) I’m presenting data from this paper.
— British Academy, discussion put on by Demos, on “What liberals can learn from conservatives.” A great discussion with Brian Eno, David Aaronovitch, and Rowena Davis on the problems and promise of liberalism. This is the sound file only, but if you watch one of the talks you’ll know what I’m showing. The best part of this is the discussion afterwards- especially helpful for people on the left who are wondering what the left should stand for in the 21st century. See these blog posts summarizing and commenting on the event from the perspective of the left (1, 2) and the right.
— *TED 2008: The moral roots of liberals and conservatives. (This was my first TED talk. It lays out the ideas that became Part II of The Righteous Mind)
—Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Alle kämpfen gegen alle, weil sich alle irgendwie unterdrückt fühlen: Was Amerikas republikanisches Erbe untergräbt. 2018. [Translation of my essay “The Age of Outrage”]
—Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Das ist ein normales religiöses Verhalten
—Suddeutsche Zeitung, Moral bindet und blendet, by Andrian Kreye (9/21/12)
—Psychologie Heute, Moral kann nicht in die Köpfe gehämmert, sie muss im System verankert werden
Korea [search YouTube for 조너선 하이트 ]
—Chosun Ilbo, (3/7/15)
—Hankyoreh (3/3/15)
—Kyung-Hyang Newspaper (3/2/15)
–EBS: Lecture on morality and political polarization I gave in Korea in 2015, with Korean subtitles. Here is part 1, part 2, part 3,
–EBS: Lecture on Capitalism I gave in Korea in 2015, with Korean subtitles: Here is Part 1, part 2, part 3.
—Money Today (Jan 2019), interview about The Coddling of the American Mind
Interviews & Lectures
Browse by type:
If you view only one or two segments, these are the best:
E.O. Wilson- Of Ants and Men, exploring how human minds and emotions evolved similarly to physical features, originating from the work of E.O. Wilson and his theory of Sociobiology [clip 5] (9/30/15)
Up, with Chris Hayes, talking about denial of science, and polarization (5/4/12)
The Cycle, talking about The Asteroids Club, and about NoLabels.org (1/7/13)
The Cycle, talking about how both campaigns are using moral appeals to swing voters and base voters (9/17/12)
Dylan Ratigan show, talking about ideological diversity (3/13/12)
Morning Joe, talking about The Righteous Mind (3/12/12)
“Is a conservative born or made?” I try to predict how people in Times Square will vote, based on indicators of personality and values (10/11/12)
Additional television interviews
— The Agenda, with Steve Paikin, TVO (Canada), interview about political psychology and Canadian politics (5/29/12).
— Evolution: This View of Life, Interview with David Sloan Wilson, on “who is more phobic about science — conservatives or liberals”
— John Avlon, on BeastTV, on centrism and bringing the left and right together.
Print Media
Additional Print Interviews:
— Evolution: This View of Life. Interview on evolutionary moral psychology, with Michael Price. (10/29/13)
— Mother Jones, interview with Chris Mooney: The Science of Tea Party Wrath (10/25/13)
— Washington Post, Stop bickering and look out for the asteroids!, by Emi Kolawole (10/30/12)
— Scientific American, How science explains America’s great moral divide, interview by Gareth Cook (10/2/12)
— Bill Moyers Blog,”Is it better to vote with your heart or your brain? (9/6/12)
— Vice Magazine, The Intuitionist: A Citrusy Conversation with Jonathan Haidt (7/16/12)
— Washington Times Profile by Emily Esfahani Smith (6/26/12)
— Freakonomics Blog, Q&A, includes comments on marketing, and politics in science. (5/15/12)
— The Christian Post , interview about social conservatives, new atheists, and civility. (5/15/12)
— Politifact.com, Q&A with Angie Drobnic Holan, (4/28/12)
— New Scientist: “What Righteousness Really Means.” By Alison George. [Reprinted here in Slate with no paywall and a different title]
Radio Interviews and Audio Podcasts
Search for “Haidt” on iTunes to find a list of podcasts
Econtalk, with Russ Roberts (1/20/14)
The Science of Morality, (CBC- Canada) (10/3/12)
Social Science Bites, interview with Nigel Warburton (10/1/12)
Analysis (UK, BBC Radio 4), on Political Prejudice (9/17/12)
Tapestry, with Mary Hines (CBC-Canada) (6/3/12)
BBC Radio 3 (UK), Nightwaves, with Matthew Sweet [interview runs from minutes 1-13]
Additional Radio Interviews:
— Mother Jones, interview with Chris Mooney: The Science of Tea Party Wrath (10/25/13)
— Inspiring Naturalism (Michael Dowd and Connie Barlow), a discussion that focuses especially on religion. Dowd is the author of “Thank God for Evolution”.
— Tapestry (Canadian Broadcasting Company), “I’m right, you’re wrong.” A 30 minute radio interview with Mary Hynes about the book, with extra emphasis on religion. (3/22/13)
— To The Best of Our Knowledge (NPR), 13 minute discussion of wonder. Here’s a link to the whole 53 minute show, which also includes Neil de Grasse Tyson and others.
— RadioWest-KUER (NPR). One-hour conversation about the book, with Doug Fabrizio.
— Q, with Jian Ghomeshi (CBC-Canada, 4/17/12)
— The Leonard Lopate Show, WNYC (4/17/12)
— Here and Now (NPR) with Robin Young: Are you Right or Self-Righteous? (3/29/12)
— Alan Colmes (Fox News), The Psychology of Political Views (3/8/12)
— AmericasDemocrats.org (7/29/12), discussion of politics, and advice for Democrats
— BBC Radio 4 (UK), The Today Programme, “Why does politics divide people?” My best line: “You need your opponents to improve your own thinking.”
— MentorCoach, with Ben Dean (a talk geared to therapists and life coaches, with some positive psych content).
— Forum, with Michael Krasny, KQED (San Francisco) (5/24/12)
— This is Interesting, on KCRW with Matt Miller from the Washington Post (12/4/13), a discussion of the controversy over Obamacare, and of our current political paralysis.
— Chris Mooney interview, at PointOfInquiry.org, focusing on who denies science, and why.
— To The Best of Our Knowledge (Wisconsin NPR) conversation with Steve Paulson (8/24/12) Transcript is here.
Lectures (Videos)
A) Lectures on Evolution, Group Selection and Religion
— TED 2012: Religion, evolution, and the ecstasy of self-transcendence.
— Hive psychology and the moral life of organizations: Authors@Google talk (May 2012).
— University of British Columbia: The Groupish Gene: Hive Psychology and the Origins of Morality and Religion. (This is my first full academic talk on the subject)
— The Royal Society for the Arts: A 25 minute talk edited down to 11 minutes. Blog post about it here.
B) Lectures on Political Civility
— The Miller Center (UVA): Civility in American Politics: How to get (some of) it back. This was my first full lecture on civility and the causes of its decline. (3/19/12).
C) Lectures giving an overview of The Righteous Mind
— Bloggingheads.tv, interview with Tamar Gendler (April 2013).
— James Madison Program, Princeton U. Overview of the book, at the conservative center at Princeton (5/8/12).
— American Enterprise Institute , Panel discussion with Steve Hayward, Sally Satel, and Jonathan Rauch (5/11/12).
–*C-Span Book-TV, my standard talk on the book (3/21/12).
— Edge.org conference presentation on “moral science,” where I first presented the “True Taste” metaphor, and an overview of the state of the art in moral psychology.
D) Lectures on Politics (not overviews of the book)
— Museum of Sex: “It’s hard to gross out a libertarian.” Hosted by Reason; interview afterward by John Tierney.
— C-Span: talk on libertarian psychology, as part of a panel discussion on “The Libertarian Roots of the Tea Party.” My talk starts at 17:45, or you can watch just my talk on YouTube. (Oct 16, 2012) I’m presenting data from this paper.
— British Academy, discussion put on by Demos, on “What liberals can learn from conservatives.” A great discussion with Brian Eno, David Aaronovitch, and Rowena Davis on the problems and promise of liberalism. This is the sound file only, but if you watch one of the talks you’ll know what I’m showing. The best part of this is the discussion afterwards- especially helpful for people on the left who are wondering what the left should stand for in the 21st century. See these blog posts summarizing and commenting on the event from the perspective of the left (1, 2) and the right.
— *TED 2008: The moral roots of liberals and conservatives. (This was my first TED talk. It lays out the ideas that became Part II of The Righteous Mind)
E) Other lectures
— Zurich Minds: Three Stories about Capitalism (2014)
— Aspen Ideas Festival: General lecture on happiness (2011)
—The Bright Future of Postpartisan Social Psych: (at SPSP 2011, arguing that social psychology lacked ideological diversity)
—The New Science of Morality: (Edge.org, 2010)
International and Non-English coverage
Australia/New Zealand
— Radio National (Australia), discussion with Geraldine Doogue (8/18/12)
— Radio New Zealand, with Kathryn Ryan [alternate link] (7/24/12)
—Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Alle kämpfen gegen alle, weil sich alle irgendwie unterdrückt fühlen: Was Amerikas republikanisches Erbe untergräbt. 2018. [Translation of my essay “The Age of Outrage”]
—Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Das ist ein normales religiöses Verhalten
—Suddeutsche Zeitung, Moral bindet und blendet, by Andrian Kreye (9/21/12)
—Psychologie Heute, Moral kann nicht in die Köpfe gehämmert, sie muss im System verankert werden
—Hankyoreh Japan (3/3/15)
Korea [search YouTube for 조너선 하이트 ]
—Chosun Ilbo, (3/7/15)
—Hankyoreh (3/3/15)
—Kyung-Hyang Newspaper (3/2/15)
–EBS: Lecture on morality and political polarization I gave in Korea in 2015, with Korean subtitles. Here is part 1, part 2, part 3,
–EBS: Lecture on Capitalism I gave in Korea in 2015, with Korean subtitles: Here is Part 1, part 2, part 3.
—Money Today (Jan 2019), interview about The Coddling of the American Mind
—Wyborcza, Prawak i lewak idą na sushi (10/3/14)
—Polska Times, (11/21/14)
—Wywiad Gazeta (November 2014)